In order to activate the qiibee: Miles & More Loyalty app, we need you to add Miles & More as an app embed on your Shopify theme settings. If you do not activate the app, your customers will not be able to earn and spend miles!
Setting up your Miles & More loyalty and rewards program is easy and in this article we will walk you through a configuration that engages your customers and drives purchase behaviour.
They are defined as anyone who has a registered Miles & More account. These customers can earn and spend miles (premium plan).
These are customers who are not yet part of the Miles & More program (or have not yet connected their Miles & More account) but have the potential to be.
Your Miles configuration is the foundation of your rewards program. Balancing incentives that matter to your customers and the financial needs of your business (things like average order value, margins, and purchase frequency) to drive the growth you want is critical to your overall success. There are two things you need to configure to make your points program shine: Ways to earn Miles and Spend Miles.